TTL modulation 532nm 30mw 緑色レーザー発光モジュール 点 16mmx75mm

ベース価格: 9,572円



TTL modulation 532nm 30mw 緑色レーザー発光モジュール 点 16mm*70mm
This green laser module is the use of high-power infrared laser-pumped laser crystal to produce, spot round, beam divergence is small, export power from 5mW to 50mW, can be customized according to user specific purposes.
This 532nm green ttl laser module is out of stock , we use 520nm green ttl laser module instead of 532nm ttl laser module.
商品名: TTL modulation 緑色レーザー発光モジュール
波長: 532nm (out of stock) / 520nm (代わりに)
出力: 30mw
レーザーの形: 点
表面処理: 陽極酸化黒色
レーザー発散性: 0.6mrad 
Optical Systems: Optical Coated Glass (Plus a telephoto lens)
Spot Description: 8m department width minimum  spot diameter Φ6mm
Modulation: TTL modulation
TTL変調頻度: 10Hz-500KHz 
定額電圧: DC 3V 
定額電流: I<270mA
しきい電流: 100mA 
Laser Class: IIIB
作動温度: 10℃~35℃
保管温度: -40℃~80℃
レーザー器寸法: Φ16mm*75mm
予熱時間: <2 mintues
Continuous working time: 1~2 hours(Good heat dissipation) 
保証期: 12ヶ月
TTL modulation Description:
1 The red and yellow lines shorted, the module will be lit, in a continuous mode of operation;
2 To modulate the signal line negative black wire, positive connected to the yellow line, red line vacant, modulation module in working condition.
3 Signal input modulation frequency must be within the range 500KHZ;
1* TTL Green laser module  


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